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10 Proven Benefits Of Walnuts

10 Proven Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are the brainiest wonder nuts highly packed with nutrients and relished by all age groups for a healthier lifestyle. These nutrition-packed bundles are highly rich in omega-3 fats, dietary fiber, enormous amounts of antioxidants, various minerals, and other health-aiding biochemicals. These are enjoyed more as a healthy snack, but these also make up the star ingredient of many salads, breakfast cereals, and desserts. 

Let's see how the regular consumption of wonderful walnuts helps our body:

  • Weight Management :- Eating a handful of walnuts every day helps in managing ideal body weight. Due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, sterols, and vitamins in walnuts, consuming these helps curb hunger and feel full for a much longer time and helps avoid overeating. Eventually, this leads to ideal weight loss and better body weight management. 

  • Healthier skin & hair :- People have long believed that eating certain foods can improve hair and skin health. One food often cited as being beneficial for hair and skin is walnuts. Being the powerhouse of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, B6, folates, and phosphorus, these wonder nuts are called skin and hair superfoods. Regularly adding these to your diet would surely help you achieve that radiant skin and lustrous mane. In addition, the presence of antioxidants would protect your skin from free radical damage. 

  • Promotes Bone Health :- Walnuts, being the storehouse of large amounts of essential fatty acids and various minerals like copper, manganese, boron, etc., are helpful in increasing bone density, reducing urinary excretion, and enhancing collagen synthesis thereby; promoting good bone health.

  • Aids Gut Health :- Eating walnuts increase certain types of good bacteria in the digestive tract and surge the production of gut nourishment fat known as butyrate which in turn protects the gut from diseases and promotes good gut health.

  • Cognitive & Brain Health :- Walnuts bag the first position amongst other nuts when we talk about improving brain health. These are notably rich in DHA (polyunsaturated omega-3 acids), polyphenols & vitamin E that boosts cognitive function and brain health in infants and adults. Also, the presence of high amounts of antioxidants in walnuts helps reduce oxidative stress and further aids neuroprotective benefits.

  • Aids better sleep & Prevents anxiety related issues :- Walnuts are rich in amino-acid named tryptophan known for indirectly increasing serotonin levels in the body which in turn regulates our sleep cycle and reduces stress. So, consuming these wonder nuts can definitely prevent anxiety or stress-related issues.

  • Better heart health :- As walnuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid so a daily diet consisting of walnuts in moderation lowers bad cholesterol levels, decreases blood pressure, decreases inflammation, and thus, maintains healthier cardiovascular health with lower rates of heart strokes.

  • Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes :- The low carbohydrate content in walnuts and the presence of more protein, good fats, and fiber in walnuts help to limit the insulin spike in the body, controlling the blood glucose levels and eventually lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes.

  • Improves male reproductive health :- Eating walnuts helps improve sperm quality and sperm motility. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and antioxidants like vitamin E, zinc, and selenium in walnuts helps to protect sperm from free-radical damage, thus improving the overall reproductive health of males.

  • Increases immunity & healthy aging :- Walnuts are termed as one of the best longevity nuts due to the presence of various nutrients and they also are the storehouse of antioxidants. These antioxidants help in reducing the oxidative stress often triggered by pollution or an unhealthy lifestyle which can lead to inflammation & various diseases. The anti-inflammatory agents like polyphenols, etc. in walnuts boost the immune system, fight infections, and therefore promote healthier aging than the disease full aging.

Many health-conscious people swear by the benefits of walnuts which can only be attained if consumed daily in moderate amounts. We at Figtree are committed to providing you with the best quality walnut kernels online. Grab the goodness of these wonder nuts and take a step ahead towards a healthier lifestyle change.

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